Religion and Godliness?

Part of the world’s religion idealizes violence, even suicide. Another part is so feckless (weak, ineffective), it dares not suggest so much as a standard of dress or conduct to its own members.

There was once One who spoke with authority (Matthew 7:29), yet offered not a word in His own defense when they set about to kill Him. In fact, part of what He taught with authority was the doctrine of nonresistance (not fighting back against evil). See Matthew 5:38-48. No true Christian (follower of Jesus’ teaching and example) has taken part in religious wars or otherwise employed violence.

But true Christians are not feckless. In following their Leader’s example and teaching, they stand against this world’s failing religion. Yet they are humble (Matthew 5:3); meek (v. 5); inwardly driven to godliness (v. 6); pure (v. 8); and peacemakers (v. 9).

Our world is crying for something far better than its popular religions. It is bleeding and pleading for real answers that can make a difference. If ever Christ, His teachings, and example were relevant, it is today.
The way of life Christ taught and exemplified far exceeded the righteousness of the ruling religious class in His day (verse 20), and it sets the standard of godliness today.

He asks for love and reconciliation instead of hatred and malice (Matthew 5:21-26). He requires purity of mind as well as action (verses 27-30); marital fidelity (verses 31, 32); and a standard of honesty that needs no oath (verses 33-37).

“Feckless Christianity,” like radical Islam, is religion, but not godly. Nor will it be more until it offers heart-deep change through the new birth (John 3:3-8). It will also require a standard of godliness that qualifies it as the kingdom of God. Only in such a movement will we see living examples of humility, purity, peace-ableness, truthfulness, and love like Christ’s. Only such committed followers of His are teachable to the point of welcoming a Gospel standard of conduct (and even dress). And that is more than just a religion. It is godliness.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27).

-by Dallas Witmer

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