God Bless America?

I was fourteen years old when the Twin Towers were destroyed. I remember that day well. Of the many changes soon afterward, one thing that especially struck me. It was the sudden, prolific appearance of signs, stickers, posters, billboards, and banners proclaiming, “God Bless America. ” People planted them in their lawns and stuck them on their cars. They used the slogan in their advertising and even churches joined the fad and put them on their signs.

I suppose most people had good intentions. But it seemed a bit ironic to my fourteen-year-old mind. I guess I never knew untill then how much Americans cared about God. I would never have known it if they hadn’t put out all those signs.

Think about it. Is God blessing America now that people have started asking Him to? Does saying it make it happen? Hasn’t God already blessed America and other places in many ways? Will God bless sin in the live sof those who say “God bless America”?

Let’s think about some events since 9-11 that have received national and worldwide attention.

After 9-11: (Evidences of sin among people who give lip service to God)

  • The economy slumped
  • Anthrax (remember that word?) killed a number of people.
  • Civilians started dropping dead from a mysterious murderer’s bullet.
  • Bullets again began whizzing, killing a woman and punching holes in glass and steel on 1-70
  • Deranged people killed many at Virginia Tech and in an Amish school, among other places.

God has blessed America with many material things? But can God bless sinful living that plagues America? Think with me for a moment of a nation that . . .

  • Removed the God of the Bible and prayers her schools.
  • Removed the Ten Commandments from her courts.
  • Uses His Name as a curse.
  • Permits divorce and remarriage, adultery, and homosexual marriages.
  • Teaches the lies of the religion of evolution.
  • Has her hands covered with innocent blood from the slaughter of unborn babies.
  • Is uncertain whether euthanasia is wrong.

This nation is asking a Holy God to bless her?

If it wasn’t real life, it would be incredible, even humorous. A nation or an individual just can’t do that. You can’t go act like a demon and ask God for His blessing. God is not a politician. He’s not going to be a liar and a hypocrite just to please some nation. He is serious when He says sin is a reproach to a nation. In God’s view, those who live in sin are as bad as murderers and harsh dictators the world condemns. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t love them — surely He does. But their sin and the place they’re headed is all alike to God. They will face the same judgement from God. If you doubt it, read Romans 1 in the Bible.

There’s not a doubt about it. If any nation is going to escape divine revenge for her dastardly conduct, it will need to change. Hollywood and other sinful organizations would go out of business for lack of customers. People are going to have to decide they are not going to condone godless, atheistic, and pagan teachings. They will need to abandon the idea that you can follow any religion, even the religion of evolution, and still wind up in heaven.

We wish the evils of Communism and terrorist organizations would be vanquished. Someday they will. But even history, from the Babylonians to the Romans to our own day, testifies that if we do not take God’s way, and change soon, we will certainly share the same tragic fate.

-by Kendall Miller

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