Let God Build You a House

The year 2009 dawns upon unprecedented divorce, abortion, domestic violence, perverse lifestyles, and other evidences of the breakdown of the home. This year also dawns upon increased evidences of hope.

This paradoxical situation exists because of nonconformed Christians leading lives a world apart from the sick, floundering society with which they do business every day. To use the words of Christ they are in the world, but not of it (John 17).

In their homes you find: happy, obedient children with parents who love each other; peace and order; dating young people pure in body and mind; youth who scorn the values, music, and idols of popular society. Instead of a generation gap, you here find youth perpetuating their parents’ Biblical values.

Sound unreal? Sure you could never establish such a home? Let God build you a house.

God once promised King David (in 2 Samuel 7:11) that for his faithfulness, He would “build him a house.” In his case, God meant that He would guarantee him a continuing dynasty to rule over Israel. And while the kingdom lasted, David’s offspring did indeed sit on his throne. Jesus Christ, in time, was born of the seed of David. Christ is King of kings forever.

The conditions for God’s promise to David were that his children, like David their father, should carefully observe His laws. Upon the same conditions, God will help build you a house, and perpetuate your memory and values while time endures.

But it will require the courage to make a clean break with contemporary society.

Maybe you thought it should only take being “born again” and joining some group that protests against abortion and perverse lifestyles. God doesn’t promise His blessings for creeds, but for obedience. It will indeed take the new birth-a genuine conversion experience. And your determination to obey God’s laws will settle your creed for you.

But if you really want God to build (or rebuild) your home, the thing to get ready for now is to change from one world to the other. Walk away from the values and lifestyles (not just the most sinful ones), friends, family, media, and systems that keep you bound to the wrong world and headed for its destiny. Walk into the disciplined brotherhood and fellowship of others who have genuinely been born again. Learn the Bible principles upon which successful homes are established. Develop the parenting skills that will perpetuate the best values and true faith until the Lord Jesus returns to take us into His eternal home.

-by Dallas Witmer

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